Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The need for wickless candles

There are few people that do not like the soft glow of a candle. This can be seen by the fact that between 70 and 80% of homes uses candles. This popularity does come with a certain amount of risk though as candles are the source of many a home fire and the combination of small children and candles is also a danger. Much more common is the occurrence of having to repaint a wall due to soot damage after prolonged use of a candle in a single location.

So what are wickless candles?

Wickless candles are specifically to replace scented candles. Instead of lighting a wick to allow the flame to melt the candle to release the scent, an electric warmer is used to warm the wax to get it to melt and release its scent. The electric warmer is basically a low wattage light bulb, varying between 15 and 25 Watts, which are placed underneath the warming area.

The scented wax comes in bars that can be broken into small cubes that you then place onto the warmer to melt and release the scent. The temperature of the wax remains not far above body temperature and so will not cause burns if touched.

Is there any soot and smoke?

When the wickless candle melts it literally does just that. It is not burned or aggressively melted in any way and so does not product any soot or smoke as it gently releases its scent. Unlike a wicked candle the wax remains in the warmer while releasing the scent so there is nothing to produce soot or smoke.

How do the costs compare?

Other than the initial cost of a wax warmer, there is nothing expensive about using wickless candles and in the long run they actually work out cheaper than using regular candles.

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